“Leadership is distilled down to 3 words: Make a difference.”
Robin Sharma
On November 11, 2022, at Eloisa Royal Suites, the incoming Supreme Student Government officers had their Oath-Taking Ceremony to signify the start of their administration and fulfill their promises of making the school a fun-filled and secure learning environment. This event would not be possible without the full support of the LLCC staff, teachers, and administration, who are more than willing to support their students in their flourishing as leaders. So, thank you for your unending support to the SSG officers.
The incoming SSG officers listened wholeheartedly and with all ears to the outstanding guest speakers who imparted their knowledge about leadership. And with what they have learned, they are more than willing and brave enough to take on the challenge of being the bridge between the administration and students with the guidance of their new adviser, Dr. Quennie Marie S. Edicto.
May the LLCCians support the incoming officers in their new journey as SSG officers, and may the SSG officers be the epitome of commendable leadership inside the institution.
Cheers to a great year, LLCCians!
Photographers | Ms. Jane Dassel Apiag & Mr. Mark Liester Germo
Caption | Ms. Ashley Nichole Mercader
Pubmat | Ms. Aira Kimberly Dua & Ms. Ashley Nichole Mercader
Facebook post link: https://www.facebook.com/lapulapucitycollegeSSG/posts/pfbid047jDshZzH73HgbwmWhSNiSMPgTtZNXEjXJmVEX5X63aymC7WnFPn7x6FhJmqwkmkl