Educator's Coven

Brief Description

The Educators’ Coven (EC) is a democratic and republican organization by which the power resides in the members and all authority emanates from them. The EC values the dignity of its members and guarantees full respect and protection of their rights. It also serves as the primary arm of the College of Education in the implementation of educational and motivational projects and activities for the benefits of the students. Lastly, the Educators’ Coven officers shall instill in themselves the sense of dedication and perform such other functions as may be designated by the Supreme Student Government (SSG) of Lapu-Lapu City College.


Educators’ Coven shall be acknowledged as the mother organization for the College of Education students that provides dynamic academic leadership while influencing exceptional and globally competitive student-leaders of today and teacher-leaders of tomorrow.


Educators’ Coven commits to:

  1. Provide a quality leadership management which is active and progressive;
  2. provide competent service through knowledge, skill, and dedication;
  3. act as a pillar in addressing the pressing needs of the College of Education students by providing pertinent resolutions; 
  4. uphold the necessity of developing the holistic aspect of the College of Education students through relevant programs;
  5. and influence responsible student-leaders that would promote cognizance relating to the importance of leadership in the lives of student-teachers and future teachers.

Core Values

  • Active leadership
    Educators’ Coven is an academic organization that encompasses student-leaders that are fully engaged and deliberate, leaders who take responsibility with dedication at heart.
  • Excellence
    It is the value instilled persistently by the organization, striving to be the best it can be.
  • Progression
    It is the reflection of the organization’s serviceable aspect, showing the platforms in motion to achieve the organization’s vision and mission.
  • Integrity
    Educators’ Coven functions as a complex whole, thus it always operates with unity.

Year book

Awards & Achievements