“A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the souls of its people.”
Mahatma Gandhi
It was a blast for LLCC as it introduced the candidates for the Mr. and Ms. Culture & Heritage 2023 through its school-wide flag ceremony last Monday, April 18, 2023, with the three colleges—CoEd, CoHTM, and CoT. Every department cheered and raised their flaglets and banners on their desired contestants.
Beauty comes from within, but confidence shines through on the stage, and our student body has seen that. The dazzling men and women graced the ceremony with their poise, grace, and strength as our administrators placed their sashes. With that, the introduction of candidates had a fruitful result because of the cooperation and participation of the LLCCians in this momentous event.
Caption | Ms. Jairah Alcuirez
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