On February 13 and 14, 2023, the Supreme Student Government (SSG) officers created a Wall of Love and Appreciation to celebrate the day of love. Through this, the LLCCians could express their affection and sentiments to their cherished and treasured people. It was stationed near the gate entrance, and students were thrilled upon writing on the love wall and shared happiness with their friends and classmates. And to capture those radiant smiles, a photo booth was also stationed beside the love wall. Everyone posed and smiled for the camera, which showed their indescribable happiness on the day of hearts. Moreover, their shirt color speaks for itself as they wore shirts about their relationship status. It was a rainbow of colors, for everyone wore it freely and proudly.
The SSG officers would like to sincerely thank the LLCCians who supported their activity. It would not be possible without them and, of course, their co-officers, who helped from day one until the end. Everything was worth it, seeing the students’ smiles and wide grins—an indication that the activity was a huge success.
Valentine’s day is the day of love and giving. So, the SSG officers gave lollipop flowers to the students and lollipop bouquets to the staff and administration of LLCC. Like the students, they were also delighted and grateful to have received such a surprise.
Happy Valentine’s Day, LLCCians!
Caption | Ms. Ashley Nichole Mercader
Pubmat | Ms. Zennae Inot
Photographer | Mr. Brext Aquino
Facebook post link: https://www.facebook.com/lapulapucitycollegeSSG/posts/pfbid0oCtiYKHTFJMjwMvzstTMZ9UUSB4QFpz6v1j6RTUiJacM6R4fAzzp6CnJtCRheM8pl